For Your Neck

Form & Function

Redefining Neck Massage

The breo iNeck2 is a breo patented product that relaxes the cervical vertebrae by kneading, pressing and massaging the pressure points on the neck. Using Shiatsu massage techniques, the iNeck2 helps ease tensed muscles, relieve stress, and fully relax the neck and shoulders. Its innovative design helps stimulate blood circulation and improve oxygen supply - to alleviate neck pain and stiffness, and improve sleep quality.

Enjoy the pleasant feeling


Acupoint Massage

Industry pioneer simulation
Scupressure massage
Shiatsu technique
Precisely kneading
Spine care

42℃ Heated Compression

42 degree double heat hyperthermia
Better penetration
Relax muscle
Better blood flow

HF Magnetic Field

HF Magnetic Field
Exclusive 3D thermal magnetic function
3d magnetic function
improve blood flow
Better penetration


Beauty & Art

70 R&D specialists, over 19 months, subjected to 823 reliability tests